Since 1981, SACPSSA has hosted Netball Carnivals which are available to all member schools, both metropolitan and country.
The carnivals are held in the last weeks of Term 2, catering for over 50 schools and over 500 teams. From 2022, the carnival program will extend over five days for the first time and will cater for participation in the Year 3 – Year 6 age groups.
The carnivals are held at Netball SA Stadium, where students can enjoy SA’s best outdoor netball facilities. SACPSSA Netball Carnivals traditionally encourage participation rather than competition.
Netball Co-ordinators

Kristen Victory
Netball Executive

Rosie Petrilli
Netball Executive
Netball Events
SACPSSA Netball Carnival Day 1
Netball SA StadiumSACPSSA Netball Carnival Day 2
Netball SA StadiumSACPSSA Netball Carnival Day 3
Netball SA StadiumSACPSSA Netball Carnival Day 4
Netball SA StadiumSACPSSA Netball Carnival Day 5
Netball SA StadiumFill out a Netball Nomination Form
Netball Information
This carnival is open to any teams from Catholic primary schools or primary components of middle or secondary schools.
Clause: Occasional exemption may need to be made by the Netball Co-ordinator to comply with the Equal Opportunity Act.
The format of the carnival is that each team play five to six games with no points recorded and no trophies given. Participation Certificates can be downloaded – certificates
Days 1-5
Girls Yr 6, Boys Yr 6
Girls Yr 5, Boys Yr 5
Girls Yr 3/4, Boys Yr 3/4
May consist of ten players, 7 of whom shall be on the court at any one time.
Size 5 Netball of leather or composite leather. Schools should have all balls clearly marked with the school name.
Goal Posts
Regulation posts to be used for all grades
*IFNA Rules
Apply to all grades. (Available from Netball SA)
All teams must be under the supervision of a teacher or a responsible adult appointed by the school.
Playing Time
Match times may vary according to the carnival program, but will have no half time. Three minute change over time between rounds.
To be familiar with IFNA Rules. Schools must provide an umpire for each time that a team from their school is playing. This may not necessarily mean that the number of umpires needed by a school matches the number of teams nominated.
Umpire Instructions Re Netball Rules SACPSSA
Each school should have its own uniform and set of bibs and ball marked with school name. Correct rubber soled sports shoes must be worn.
No item of jewellery e.g. earrings, studs, bangles or rings, to be worn. Medic Alert bracelets etc must be taped to be of no danger to other players.
Cut short and smooth.
Cancellation of Carnivals
As per SACPSSA Extreme Weather Conditions listed under Policy Statements on this web site.
Constructive coaching done discreetly is allowable. Comments made by coaches to their own teams should be positive. Comments which might be regarded as detrimental to the opposing team or umpire must not be tolerated.
If an adult supervisor wishes to address an issue concerning a player from an opposing school, the contact must be made via the adult team supervisor, or teacher, of the opposing school.
*IFNA – International Federation of Netball Associations
At Priceline Stadium