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ACHPER is the Australian Council for Health, Physical Education and Recreation. There is an office in each state and it has close links to the Department of Recreation and Sport and Education. ACHPER advocates for the professional growth and interest of its members in the above areas and especially provides many benefits for teachers. Teachers are encouraged to become members so that they can access the following:
Opportunities for professional development activities
Publications which keep the PE teacher up to date
Access to consultants in the professional community
Networking opportunities
Discounts of the latest publications and resources
Member access to the very popular yearly Conference
Importantly, ACHPER membership provides a strong professional body that lobbies to further the interests of our profession.
For membership details contact ACHPER SA on 8232 7055 or visit the website
The Association exists to provide opportunities for participation of children in our schools in a range of sports.
For organisational purposes, it is essential that teachers and parents involved with school sporting teams are aware of the following:- The Association will make every reasonable effort to provide appropriate and safe conditions for all of its carnivals, but ultimately the duty of care for each school’s students rests with the supervising staff representing the school. As a consequence, a school’s supervising staff member may prevent that school’s students from competing at any SACPSSA event, prior to the day or on the day itself, if the school’s supervising staff member is not satisfied with the safety or hygiene of the carnival conditions or venue. Exceptional circumstances, such as EXTREME WEATHER CONDITIONS, may cause an outdoor carnival to be cancelled if the safety and well being of the students, spectators or officials is potentially compromised (this does not apply to an indoor venue such as the SA Aquatic Centre). Every reasonable effort will be made to advise schools of any such decision before 8 am on the morning of the event. Carnival Co-ordinators will contact each school Organiser on their mobile phone in these instances. Costs incurred by the school in these situations eg nomination fees, buses, are not the responsibility of the SACPSSA. In the event that weather conditions cause play to be postponed after a carnival has begun, there will be a half hour delay before a final decision is made. If then cancelled, school staff supervisors are responsible for student safety and supervision. No TRT payment will be available should a carnival be cancelled or postponed.
There are certain carnival venues where school coordinators may wish to provide portable shelters for the purpose of weather protection for their school groups. These may include Swimming (Burnside Pool only), Cross Country, Netball, Touch Football, Tennis, Lacrosse and Cricket.
It is the responsibility of each school’s staff members to transport and assemble portable shelters safely, and in such a manner that they are appropriately secured to prevent them becoming a hazard to the safe conduct of the carnival and its participants.
A member of the SACPSSA carnival team will inspect all schools’ portable shelters prior to the start of each carnival day to ensure that this directive has been complied with.
Hot Weather Policy
Outdoor carnivals may be cancelled or postponed if the forecast temperature on the day before, as published in The Advertiser, is 34 degrees or above. In the case of a Monday carnival cancellation will occur according to the forecast temperature as published in the Advertiser on the preceding Friday. This temperature policy does not apply to indoor venues, such as the SA Aquatic Centre, where conditions are controlled for the safe conduct of participants and officials. Carnivals will be rescheduled if possible. When taking a school team to a sporting venue thought should be given to the protection of team members from inclement weather. (Not all venues afford shelter.) All care must be taken by school supervisors to ensure students are appropriately protected with regard to weather conditions. Each school should provide their own First Aid Kit for any school team and have a suitably trained person with that team to administer first aid, if required.
Please click on the links below to access and download risk assessments for each sporting carnival in PDF format.
Once printed, specific carnival dates will need to be added to these Risk Assessments for them to be valid.
If you have any questions regarding these assessments, please contact the Executive Officer via our contact form here.
Article 1 – Name
1.1 The name of the Association shall be: “The South Australian Catholic Primary Schools Sports Association”. [Hereinafter called the Association]
Article 2 – Address
2.1 The registered address for correspondence of the Association will be the address of the Executive Officer of the current committee.
Article 3 – Aims
3.1 To promote the philosophy of good sportsmanship, to teach students how to win well and lose graciously, and to foster companionship between competitors.
3.2 To organise such events, sporting competitions and Professional Development Days as are approved from time to time by the Committee.
Article 4 – Membership
4.1 Membership of the Association shall be open to any Catholic Primary School in South Australia or the Primary component of any R – 12 Catholic school in South Australia.
4.2 At the discretion of the Executive Committee, schools outside of the Catholic system in SA may affiliate with the SACPSSA for the purposes of participating in a carnival. Carnival fees for such schools will be negotiated in accordance with the costs associated with the carnival.
4.3 Upon completion of a minimum of ten years on the Executive Committee, members will be awarded Life Membership at the Term One Executive Meeting. They shall have the right to attend all Association Meetings and take part in discussions, except when they are duly elected members of the Executive Committee for the current year, they may not vote or propose or second a motion or amendment.
4.4 Life Membership may also be bestowed upon teachers/support staff/parents who have given outstanding service to Catholic Schools over a minimum of 15 years as nominated by the school and endorsed by the Executive Committee.
4.5 Appropriate recognition will be bestowed upon any athlete/swimmer who holds an athletic or swimming record for 20 years or more.
Article 5 – The Executive Committee
5.1 The Executive Committee shall conduct the general affairs of the Association and shall have the full powers of management except where otherwise provided by this Constitution and shall meet a minimum of four times a year to conduct the affairs of the Association.
5.1.1 The President may, at any time, call an Executive meeting stating the purpose for which the meeting is required.
5.1.2 The Term Four Executive meeting of the Association shall elect the Committee for the ensuing year.
5.2 The Executive Committee, all of whom must be members of the Association, shall consist of: –
- President
- Vice President
- Executive Officer [Coordinator of all carnivals, professional development programmes and Treasurer]
- Executive Representatives of each sport conducted by the Association.
- Principal representatives from SACPPA [Nominated]
- Professional Development Executive Representatives
- SAPSASA Representative
- P.E. Week Representative
- Auxiliary Committee Members [Nominated]
5.3 Whenever a vacancy occurs on the Committee, the Committee shall have the power to fill such vacancy.
5.4 The Committee shall have the power to:-
- appoint sub-committees for special purposes and delegate any powers of the Committee, except those in 5.3,
- co-opt specialists to the Committee as the need arises.
5.5 The Committee will consider, at Executive Meetings, candidates for Life Membership. Presentation of Life Membership will be made where possible at SACPSSA carnivals/end of year dinner.
5.6 All staff/teachers in Catholic Schools can become a member of the Executive Committee if elected.
Article 6 – Duties of Officers
6.1 The President shall preside at all meetings of the Association, and shall have authority to direct secretarial action in cases of emergency.
6.2 The Executive Officer shall conduct the correspondence of the Committee, submit official acts for approval, and carry out the instructions of the Committee. Is also responsible for informing members of meetings, recording minutes and circulating copies of these minutes and agendas.
6.3 The Executive Officer shall oversee the finances of the Association and present a statement of income and expenditure and furnish a financial report to the Executive at each meeting.
Article 7 – Association Rules & Sports
7.1 Association rules may be repealed, amended or new rules introduced on a majority vote at an Executive Meeting.
7.2 School representatives may propose changes, express concerns or provide feedback to the Executive Committee in writing prior to any Executive Meeting via the Executive Officer.
Article 8 – Carnival Age Groups
8.1 For the purposes of carnival age groups, students will compete according to their current school year level.
Article 9 – Sports
9.1 On the application of a school representative, any sport may be introduced into the Association, provided that the Committee is satisfied that there is reasonable support forthcoming to make a programme viable.
Article 10 – Affiliation
10.1 The Association may, by resolution of the Committee, affiliate with any body controlling amateur sport in South Australia.