Standard ATA Playing Rules with some changes
If a player drops or loses the ball while passing or attempting to catch the ball then the play is re—commenced with a rollball and a touch counted. If this occurs a second time in the series of 6 touches allowed to the team, then they will lose possession of the ball to the other team.
Play will be recalled in a similar manner to the above for cases where a player unintentionally passes the ball after they are touched. However, if the ball goes to ground from the pass after the touch has been made or effected then a change of possession will result immediately. (Players should be encouraged not to pass the ball after they are touched.) Note: a team will be allowed only one loss of the ball or an unintentional touch and pass in its 6 allowed touches. (The recommended referee signal is to hold the ball one hand straight above their head before the rollball.)
There will be a change of possession instead of tap penalties for infringements. A tap will only be taken for starts and re—starts of play at the halfway line.
For ‘minor’ infringements the referee may allow a replay of the action. Examples include: — not releasing the ball from the hands for a tap, and — not performing the rollball correctly, especially at a change of possession. These may be repeated without a change of possession. (This will be at the discretion of the referee).
The acting half must pass the ball to another player before they are able to join in further play.
The attacking team cannot unduly delay the pass or a touch will be counted and they will be required to rollball.
THE ROLLBALL — Following a touch, the player in possession of the ball has to return to the mark or place of the touch and roll (or place) the ball between the legs to a player designated as the acting half. All the players in the opposing team must be back at least 7 metres from the mark of the rollball and cannot move forward until the acting half has passed the ball. A rollball is also used following a change of possession to bring the ball into play.