Welcome to SACPSSA
SACPSSA aims to promote a philosophy of good sporting spirit, to foster a positive degree of participation and competitiveness, all while encouraging a healthy active lifestyle.
Welcome to the South Australian
Catholic Primary Schools’ Sports Association.
Founded in 1971, the South Australian Catholic Primary Schools’ Sports Association promotes a philosophy of good sporting spirit, encourages companionship between competitors and advocates for the benefits of a healthy, active lifestyle.
SACPSSA consists of an Executive Committee and a group of committed sports co-ordinators who oversee the planning and organisation of the carnivals and events each year.
Event Calendar
For a full listing and overview of scheduled events, nomination deadlines and start times, please refer the the Event Calendar on this website. At all times this calendar will be your up to date reference point.
SACPSSA runs sporting carnivals at a variety of top-class venues in Adelaide throughout the year. The carnivals provide a great experience for all children involved and promote team-building and support.
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